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Music Lessons Available ...
Rhythm Section Playing
Music Theory (chords)
Reading Skills

Band Styles
Ear Training

Explore a deeper understanding of chords and improvisation. Discover how the "patterns" of harmony, melody and rhythm are explainable, and how this information is the key to playing smarter, and hearing better. You will learn more about the differences between “physical execution” and “mental preparation”, and leave with a vocabulary for achieving your musical goals.
- Guitar Ideas
Files use letters in a unique way to explain note placement on the fretboard in all 12 keys.

Bass Guitar Fretboard - 4 string pdf

Bass Guitar Fretboard - 5 string

Guitar Fretboard chart - 6 string
Page PDF Subject (book format)
1 PDF Major Scales: Ascending Chromatic
Chart that uses letters instead of notes
2 - Major Scales: Circle of 5ths
3 PDF Major Scales: Notes, Letters, Fingerings - C-F
12 keys, piano fingerings, both hands
4 3 Major Scales: Notes, Letters, Fingerings - Gb-B
5 - Melodic Minor Scales
6 - Harmonic Minor Scales
7 - Natural Minor Scales
8 - Pentatonic Scales + Blues scales
9 PDF 5 Finger shapes examples 1-9
18 excercises • fingering & letters
10 9 5 Finger shapes examples 11-18
11 PDF Harmonized Scale Study - Fingerings version
right hand chords, left hand bassline
12 - Harmonized Scale - Scale numbering
13 11 Harmonized Scale - Fingerings (copy)
14 - Melodic Pattern Ideas
15 - Triads : Major - Minor - Augmented - Diminished
16 PDF 7th chords : Major - Minor - Dominant
letter spelling
17 PDF Scale Harmonization - Target Chords
melody harmonization + 9 pop progressions
18 17 Chord Substitutions
19 - Chord Scales - Circle of 5ths
20 17 Chord Progression study : examples 1-9
21 PDF Chord Voicings
4-note, 2 hand, 2-5-1 piano voicings
22 - Major 7ths : cycles - up m3 - Chromatic - Circle
23 PDF Polychords
"chords on top of chords" study in C • 2-5-1
24 - Rhythm Study: moving rests concept
25 - Rhythm Study: moving rests "the 16 variations"
26 - Rhythm Study: "the 16 variations" continued
27 - 2 hand rhythm ideas (8th beats) : examples 1-6
28 - 2 hand rhythm ideas (8th beats) : examples 7-12
29 - 2 hand rhythm ideas (16th beats) : examples 1-6
30 - 2 hand rhythm ideas (16th beats) : examples 7-14
31 - Melody Variations : 4 examples
32 - Song: Level 1 breakdown
33 - Song: Level 2 breakdown
34 - Song: Level 3 arrangement
35 - Accompaniement patterns based on song
36 - Chord Scales - Circle of 5ths (copy)
37 - Chart : example of "number chart"
38 - Chart : example
39 - Chart : example
40 - Chart : example
41 - Chart : example
42 - Chart : example
43 - Chart : Leadsheet Page 1
44 - Chart : Leadsheet Page 2 of 2
45 - Chart : Leadsheet
46 - Blank "Chord Tone chart"
47 - Blank "Chord Tone chart"

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